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Hello World, from GroupFire

Written by Mark Surfas | Mar 24, 2020 6:13:15 PM

Hello from your friends at GroupFire.

First, our sincere hopes that for anyone reading this, you and your extended family and friends are safe, healthy and able to get the supplies and services you need.

We are here and able to help you:

GroupFire is a fully remote organization so we are conducting business largely as usual from an operational perspective. We have extended our hours and our services are unaffected at this time.

GroupFire was conceived and built as a Digital Home base for organizations of all shapes and sizes.   As I often point out, our business runs on GroupFire.  Sort of like Hair Club for Men, we're the owner AND the best customer.  That said, if you have an organization that needs to go completely virtual / remote / teleremote, reach out to us.  It's what we do and what we get up every day excited to help with.  

GroupFire was built for the oncoming remote future of work and organizations.

Do not hesitate to reach out.

If you need assistance please do not hesitate tp reach out to any of our support channels, including email If you have an emergency, you are welcome to call my cell phone at 949.229.2697 for support or if you have any remote organizational needs.  

I have dedicated my career to building communities and online / remote organizations.  There is nothing I would rather do than help you with these topics.

Mark and the entire GroupFire Team.